West VancouverGay massage

The Art of Touch <i>by Miles</i>

The Art of Touch by Miles

Deep Tissue, Sports, Swedish & 7 more  ·  $140 & up

(323) 452-1070

Visiting Vancouver

… With 18 years of hands-on experience, over 600 hours of accredited massage therapy education, and 10’s of 1000’s of massage sessions under my belt…

Body Renewal <i>by Ben</i>

Body Renewal by Ben

Deep Tissue, Shiatsu, Sports & 7 more  ·  $150 & up

(778) 386-2762

Based in Vancouver (Kitsilano) Mobile & in-studio

… Sometimes that's deep relaxation and a state of zen. Sometimes it's improved mobility or muscular relief in a specific area. …

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