PortlandGay massage

Customized Massage <i>by Roman</i>

Customized Massage by Roman

Sports, Acupressure & 2 more  ·  $125 & up

(360) 210-8400

Based in 97212 Mobile & in-studio

Thank you very much for taking the time to read my resume. My name is Roman and I am a professional massage therapist. I live in Portland. …

Therapeutic Healing <i>by Michael</i>

Therapeutic Healing by Michael

Deep Tissue, Trigger Point & 2 more  ·  $200 & up

(405) 905-9563

Based in NW Portland At his studio only

… How often do you prioritize self-care? When your physical structure is aligned, you have optimal support, function, comfort, and freedom of movement. …

Massage by Todd

Massage by Todd

Deep Tissue, Shiatsu & 4 more  ·  $90 & up

(503) 367-2173

Based in NE Portland At his studio only

… I enjoy working with people and have a wonderful time getting to know them. I have an excellent understanding of the body. …

Masterful Massage <i>by Michael</i>

$20 off if u mention this special during booking

Masterful Massage by Michael

Deep Tissue, Shiatsu, Sports & 20 more  ·  $125 & up

(503) 858-2555

Based in Irvington At his studio only

$20 off if u mention this special during booking

… I am admittedly not comfortable with working with trans people. Thank you very much and hope to hear from you soon. OR Massage License #24438. …

Appt location:Radius: